Top Verified Businesses and Organizations in Kenya

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Actuarial Students' Society of Kenya (ASSK)

Nairobi, Nairobi
Contact Phones : ,
Actuarial students' society of Kenya(ASSK) is registered society with the registrar of societies under the office of the attorney general of Kenya. ASSk was founded in February 2013 as (KASA) Kenya actuarial Students Association. KASA was formed through collaboration between actuarial students' associations in individual campuses. KASA was formed with major objectives of providing a platform for actuarial students to grow academically, professionally and socially by networking with actuarial professionals in the industry and fellow actuarial students in all campuses in Kenya. KASA changed to ASSK later in the year 2013. ASSK serves as an outreach tool for actuarial science students, offer formal and informal aid to our members, enhance cordial relations between students and industry players and avails relevant actuarial information. ASSK is non profit society and is committed to improving the quality of actuarial profession all over the country and in East Africa through the organizati

Africa managment initiative

00100, Kilimani Business Centre,Kirichwa Road
Contact Phones : Tel: 0770172530, Tel: 0770172530
Web Address
African Management Initiative now offering the best online course on managing markets. If your looking for flexibility, affordability and a program that will take your management skills to the next level; think AMI.

Africa Training Institute

1458-00100, Warwick Service Centre, Nairobi Kenya
Contact Phones : 254-723-305-358,254-723-305-358
We are an award-winning training organization that combines over 25 years of on-the-ground practitioner expertise with an up to date research and development department. Africa Training Institute works with leading frontline organizations and institutions around the globe to equip humanitarian aid workers with everything they need to support relief efforts in times of disaster and crisis. Along with our partner organizations, we offer online courses, hands on training sessions and a recognized certification program to provide you with the information, skills, and accreditation you need to get hired and succeed.

Aga Khan University Hospital

3rd Parklands Ave, Nairob, 3rd Parklands Ave, Nairob
Contact Phones : .,+254-203740000
Web Address
Hospitals,Universities, Laboratories-Research & Development,Clinics,Pharmacies

Chepkoilel University College

30100 Eldoret, Kenya, P.O.Box 1125
Contact Phones : +254 788 232 004,+254 5320 63111
Web Address

Chepkoilel University College is located in Eldoret region,which is rich in wheat and humid weather conditions.The following schools are available at the institute:(a)School of Education(b)School of Economics(c)School of Engineering(d)School of Natural Resource Management(e)School of Environmental Studies (f)School of Science(g)School of Business and Management Sciences(h)School of Agriculture and Biotechnology

Collage of insurance

00100, South C, Nairobi
Contact Phones : 020 605601, 020 605601
Web Address

Computer learning center

00100, Museum Hill, 2nd Flr, Parklands, Nairobi
Contact Phones : 020-3741921 , 020-3741921
Web Address

Computer pride training center

00100, st fl., ICEA Bldg., Kenyatta Ave, Nairobi
Contact Phones : 020-2221895, 020-2221895
Web Address

Daystar University

Athi River, Eastern, Athi, Athi River, Eastern, Athi
Contact Phones : 0724 256908 , 045 6622601
Web Address

Ekima instituteof laguage

00100, Opp. Nairobi Academy, Lang’ata Rd, Karen & Njugwar House off Magadi Rd , Ongata Rongai
Contact Phones : +254726928550,+254726928550
Web Address

Goshen medical college

00100, Along Thika- Garissa road, Behind Leather Industries
Contact Phones : +254722799348 ,+254722799348
Web Address
I take this opportunity to Welcome you to Goshen Medical College. Goshen Medical College appreciates the role of quality education in the 21st century and has striven to create a college that is responsive to the needs of the changing society dynamics. The academic and professional training and services at our college are geared towards empowering persons to live a more fulfilling life while mobilizing personal potentials to deal with life challenges. This will in return contribute towards building self sufficient persons for a strong nation. Goshen Medical College offers Consultancy and training at Certificate and Diploma, levels short courses

Great Lakes University Of Kisumu

Off Tom Mboya Drive, Mili, Off Tom Mboya Drive, Mili
Contact Phones : 0722 683813,057-2023972
Web Address

Joint Admissions Board (JAB

., Advance Africa
Contact Phones : +254723040015,.
Hello and welcome to Advance-Africa.Com, for African scholarships, volunteer in Africa programs & jobs in Africa. We offer products and services geared towards advancement of Africans.

Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture & Technology

along Nairobi-Thika Highway, Juja, 36 kilometres North East of Nairobi
Contact Phones : .,020-4447769
Web Address

It was started in 1981 as a Middle Level College (Jomo Kenyatta College of Agriculture and Technology (JKCAT)) by the Government of Kenya with the generous assistance from the Japanese Government. Plans for the establishment of JKCAT started in 1977. In early 1978, the founding father of the nation, Mzee Jomo Kenyatta donated two hundred hectares of farmland for the establishment of the college. The first group of students were admitted on 4th May 1981. H.E. Daniel Arap Moi formally opened JKCAT on 17th March 1982. The first graduation ceremony was held in April 1984 with Diploma Certificates presented to graduates in Agricultural Engineering, Food Technology and Horticulture. On 1st September 1988, H.E. Daniel Arap Moi, declared JKCAT a constituent College of Kenyatta University through a legal Notice, under the Kenyatta University Act (CAP 210C). The name of JKCAT officially changed to Jomo Kenyatta University College of Agriculture and Technology (JKUCAT). 

Kabete Technical Training Institute

Waiyaki Way, next to AHIT, Waiyaki Way, next to AHIT
Contact Phones : .,020-2021194, 020-2445553
To be a centre of excellence in Technial, Industrial, Vocational and Entrepreneurship Training


Koinange/Monrovia Street & University Way, KeMU Towers and KeMU Hub Buildings
Contact Phones : 0725-751878/ 0735-372326,020-2118443/2247987/22481
Web Address

One of our country's new gems in the education sector, Kenya Methodist University (KEMU) was awarded its Charter on June 28th 2006 by His Excellency President Mwai Kibaki. The coming of KEMU in Meru was a long process in educational planning and development. The Kenya Methodist University came as a logical step toward educational excellence as the focus of the Church in pursuance of its holistic Gospel. However, the University was not established as an isolated project.At least two institutions namely; Kaaga Rural Training Centre and Methodist Training Institute consecutively formed the basic foundation, in form of physical and other infrastructure in the establishment of Kenya Methodist University.

Kenya Polytechnic University

P.O Box 52428-00200 Nairobi,Kenya, Haile Selassie Avenue , Nairobi
Contact Phones : .,+254(20)343672, 2251300

THE FOUNDATIONS: The Kenya Polytechnic University College shares history with the development of the first three higher education institutions in East Africa. In the 1920s there were hightened agitations for the expansion of access to higher education by indigenous leaders in the East African Territories. Concerted efforts in the form of committees, commissions and conferences resulted in positive developments that included the elevation of Makerere Institute of to Makerere University College of the University of London in 1949, proposal to establish the Royal Technical College (RTC) in Nairobi was approved and construction started on 25th January 1952 and establishment of Dar es Salaam University College in 1961.

Kenyatta University

P.O. Box 43844-00100 , Kenyatta University, Nairobi
Contact Phones : +254 20 8711622,+254 20 8710901
Web Address

When you come to Kenyatta University,you discover that you have arrived at a special place.The University’s Main Campus is set on over 1,000 acres with a pleasant and serene surrounding conducive to academic and intellectual growth.Kenyatta University is home to some of the world's top scholars, researchers and experts in diverse fields. We pride ourselves in providing high quality programmes that attract individuals who wish to be globally competitive. To achieve this, we have invested heavily in infrastructure and facilities to offer our students the best experience in quality academic programmes under a nurturing environment in which our students learn and grow. Kenyatta University is one of the leading universities in Kenya judging by the quality of our graduates. Our aim is not only to maintain this position, but to improve further and attain our vision of becoming a world-class university that is committed to quality and relevance. What gives graduates of Kenyatta Univer

Kimathi Student Centre hostels, Nyeri

00100, NYERI, Po. box 3125
Contact Phones : +254733343595,+254733343595
We are situated just next to the Dedan Kimathi University of Technology on the main Nyeri Road to Nyahururu 3.5 Kilometers from Nyeri town.

Kiriri Women’s University of Science and Technology

Woodvale Grove, Westlands, Woodvale Grove, Westlands
Contact Phones : 0723 338071 ,02 -4442212
Web Address

Maseno University

Kisumu/Busia Rd , Kisumu/Busia Rd
Contact Phones : 0722 203411 ,057-351622
Web Address

Moi University

30100 Eldoret, Kenya, P.O. Box 3900
Contact Phones : -,+254-(0)53-43620
Web Address
Universities in Kenya | Moi University

Mt Kenya University

P.O. BOX 342 – 01000 THIK, General Kago Road
Contact Phones : -,020 2088317
Web Address
Universities in Kenya | Mt Kenya University

Multimedia University College of Kenya

next to Ongata Rongai, Magadi Road,Opposite KWS Mbagathi Gate
Contact Phones : +254-724257083,+254-735900008,+254 20 2071392/3/1
Web Address

Founded in 1948 as Central Training School (CTS) to serve as East African Post Training School before changing to Kenya Posts and Telecommunications Corporation (KPTC).This was after the collapse of the East African community in 1977. In 1992, the college was upgraded to Kenya College of Communications Technology (KCCT)under KPTC and became a subsidiary of Telkom Kenya Ltd (TKL) after KPTC split into Postal Corporation of Kenya (PCK), Telkom Kenya Ltd and Communications Commission of Kenya (CCK). The college became a subsidiary of CCK after the privatization of TKL in 2006. In 2008, it was upgraded to Multimedia University College of Kenya as a constituent college of Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology.The university has 2 campuses. The main campus - near the western side of the Nairobi National Park.The second campus is along Haile Selassie Avenue.It's popular for offering thorough and job-market worthy students in ICT and mass media esp. applied communication.

Presbyterian University of East Africa

Kikuyu, Kikuyu
Contact Phones : 0722 341032,020 2341510-11
Web Address

Quadrant Institute of Technology

05, Khetias Building, 5th Floor, Ronald Ngala Street Eldoret, Rift Valley Province, Kenya
Contact Phones : +254725676438,+254725676438
Web Address
Quadrant institute is a top-notch Information, Communication and Technology and entrepreneurship college imparting unraveled skills to the youth. As we grow we shall give scholarship to deserving students as our support of the local community.

St. Lawrence University Kenya Semester Programme

00502 – Karen Nairobi, PO Box 1128, #91 Miotoni
Contact Phones : -,254-20-388-4509/11, 0722-
Universities in Kenya | St. Lawrence University Kenya Semester Programme

St. Paul’s University, Limuru

Limuru, Limuru
Contact Phones : .,020 2020505

Strathmore University

Madaraka Estate, Ole Sang, Madaraka Estate, Ole Sang
Contact Phones : 0722-205428 ,020-6006155

The Aga Khan University Hospital

P.O. Box 30270-00100 Nair, 3rd Parklands Avenue Off
Contact Phones : -,(254 20) 366-2000, 375-01
Clinics & Hospitals in Kenya | The Aga Khan University Hospital

The Aga Khan University Hospital, Nairobi

Nairobi, 3rd Parklands Avenue
Contact Phones : +254 3662253 or 3740000,+254 366 2020 / 22 or 3740000

The Aga Khan University Hospital, Nairobi Established in 1958, Aga Khan University Hospital, Nairobi (AKUH,N) is a private, not-for-profit institution that provides tertiary and secondary level health care services. The decision to upgrade the Hospital to a tertiary level teaching hospital was taken in order to respond to the health care needs of the people of East Africa. AKUH,N is a premier provider of ambulatory care and quality in patient services, including critical care. The Hospital plans to strengthen existing partnerships with the Ministry of Health and other universities offering health education, with an aim to share experiences, strengthen public sector delivery systems and collaborate on teaching and research.

Zetech University

P.O Box 2768 – 00200, Nairobi, Kenya, Main Campus Off Thika Road-Ruiru
Contact Phones : +254 706 622 557,+254 719 034 500
Web Address

Zetech traces its roots back to 1999 when it was founded by Eng. Ken Mbiuki as a Centre providing ICT training. Established from the direct incorporation of the words Zenith and Technologies, it rose to a College offering additional tertiary courses. The word Zenith is of Greek origin and is used to characterize the concept of being ‘At the Very Top’.

Driven by a passion to meet the high demand for quality education, the institution embarked on a 15 year strategic blueprint manual that outlined the aspiration to attain University status. Thereafter,  it broke ground and constructed a multi-million University Complex along Thika Road, launched by His Excellency Uhuru Kenyatta. After successful inspection by the Commission of University Education, the institution was awarded a Letter of Authority to offer university programmes, consequently giving rise to Zetech University in August 2014.

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