., Avenue Buconyori, Ngagara Q2, Bujumbura
Contact Phones : .,+257)22 23 79 73/ 22 23 79 73
HAU as an institution of academic training is registered by the Burundian government under the ministry order no 610/1379 of 26th September 2003, with the authorization No 610/1113 of 16th August 2005 setting on the equivalence of the degrees delivered by HAU.
Contact Phones : .,+257 22 23 55 49
ULBU is a project of the Center for the Production and Distribution of Christian Literature, “CEPRODILIC” in acronym, an ASBL working in Burundi since 1989.
., Avenue du Large Kinindo-Ouest
Contact Phones : ., 257/22/24 39 44
1550 Bujumbura Bujumbura Mairie Burundi, BP 1550 Bujumbura Bujumbura Mairie Burundi
Contact Phones : +257 24 23 53,+257 24 23 53
Established in 1964, the University of Burundi is currently the main public university with over 13,000 students in 8 faculties and three institutes. It provides excellent training based on quality education and wants to be a reference university in the Sub-region and even across Africa. The University of Burundi has already entered the BMD (3-2-3) since the academic year 2011-2O12. It is part of the Inter-University Network of the Great Lakes Inter-University Network of Country EAC (East African Community).
., Boulevard Mwezi Gisabo, Bujumbura, Burundi
Contact Phones : .,+257 22 22 20 59
The University of Burundi is a public university located in Bujumbura, Burundi. Founded in 1964, it comprises eight faculties and five institutes and has a student enrollment of approximately 13,000. It is based in three campuses in Bujumbura and a fourth in Gitega.
., Quartier Kigobe Nord, Bujumbura
Contact Phones : .,+257 22 24 36 45
The project to create the University of Lake Tanganyika (ULT), which is a private institution, dates back to March 1999.
., Kibumbu in Mwaro Province B.P: 26 Mwaro
Contact Phones : ., 00 257 75 102 067
The Pere Liboire KAGABO University Clinic was officially launched on November 05, 2015 at the opening of the 2015-2016 academic year.
, Boulevard Mwezi Gisabo, Bujumbura
Contact Phones : +257 62 87 55 38,
AFRICA YOUTH LEADERSHIP FORUM (AYLF) is a big family of valued-based leaders workimg in different university campuses Burundi throughs the small groups.
., Kigobe, Avenue du Cinquantenaire, n° 6, Bujumbura
Contact Phones : .,22 27 85 33
This is private university which was established in 2014.
We offer modern academic courses that take into account the business environment and the society in which we live and are part of our current activities.
Contact Phones : .,+25722258945
l'ecole normale superieure est une institution d'enseignement superieur public
BP: 204 Gitega-Burundi, Nyabisindu, Gitega
Contact Phones : ,+257 22 23 40 87
GREAT LAKES PEACE BUILDING INSTITUTE (GLPI) in collaboration with its professors, partners, laureates and other universities of peace conducts research on various topics related to peace and conflict designs training modules and modules and other publications on the testimonies and experiences of peacemakers.
, Bujumbura,Burundi
Contact Phones : ,
Hope Africa University Student Surgical Society advocate for surgery and represente HAU medical
, Bujumbura,Burundi
Contact Phones : +25722221959,
The International Leadership University Burundi is an institution that strives to create tomor
., Ngagara,BoBoulevard Mwambutsa, Friend's Building, Bujumbura 6760 BUJUMBURA
Contact Phones : 75 62 64 53,.
IUE is a private academic institution chartered by the government of Burundi offering a fully English system. IUE is committed to being the agent of change in the region by transforming and empowering the students through technology and Entrepreneurship.
, Burundi
Contact Phones : +25767600004,
Olivia University Bujumbura is a citadel of excellence in the dilivery of quality university education in Burundi.
, Bujumbura, Burundi
Contact Phones : +257 67600004,
OLIVIA UNIVERSITY BUJUMBURA is a citadel of excellence in the delivery of quality university education in Burundi. There is interesting programs such as Pharmacy, Computing, Engineering, Telecommunication,...
., Ave. de l’ONU, Bujumbura, Burundi.
Contact Phones : +257 79 110 276,+257 22 280 317
Summit International Institute is a chartered university bearing the following ordinance number; Min No 610/470 du Mas 2017. The main role of SII is imparting quality teaching, learning, and research, and giving back to the society. The University, which is in Bujumbura in Burundi, East Africa, has 700+ students as of mid 2019.
., Ville de Ngozi
Contact Phones : .,+257 22302259
L’Université de Ngozi a été mise en place dans le cadre d’un projet communautaire et privé dont le but est de développer les communautés locales et l’enseignement supérieur du Burundi.
Œuvrant pour la paix, l’Université de Ngozi favorise l’égalité des chances et la mixité inter religieuse. Elle répond a une demande réelle et concrète de la part des communautés, est intégrée à l’environnement libéral et promeut une formation génératrice d’emplois en suscitant l’esprit entrepreneurial des étudiants.
Nr11E, Rohero 1, Av de la Mission
Contact Phones : .,22244544
L’Université des Grands Lacs (U.G.L) est le fruit de l’initiative d’un groupe d’intellectuels natifs de la province Bururi réalisée par les collectivités locales, notamment des populations des provinces de Bururi, Makamba et Rutana, des confessions religieuses en l’occurrence, l’Eglise de Pentecôte de Kiremba et le Diocèse Catholique de Bururi. C’est une association sans but lucratif qui a été créée au cours de l’année 2000 dans le souci d’épauler le Gouvernement du Burundi dans la formation de ses futurs cadres. L’UGL a été agréée par les pouvoirs publics par l’ordonnance ministérielle n°530/451 du 20 juin 2000 du Ministre de l’Intérieur et de la Sécurité Publique
238 Bujumbura Bujumbura Mairie Burundi, BP 238 Bujumbura Bujumbura Mairie Burundi
Contact Phones : +257 (77) 705 959,+257 (77) 705 959
Internet Degree programs
Earn your Degree via the Internet no class attendance.
BP 1368 Bujumbura Bujumbura Mairie Burundi, BP 1368 Bujumbura Bujumbura Mairie Burundi
Contact Phones : +257 22 248733,+257 22 248733
The UBU is a private academic institution. As such, it is subject to the provisions of Ministerial Order No. 610/048 of 11 March 1995. It was authorized by the Minister of Education in his letter No. 610 / NS / 1245/2000 of 13 June 2000 to start its activities. The start took place on September 25, 2000. The ULBU today organizes lessons first, 2nd and 3rd cycle. The University of Bujumbura Light aims to: Provide intellectual, scientific, technical and moral high level; Ensure that practical training students to enable them to be immediately able to serve after graduation; Educating students to the values of peace, tolerance, integrity and fairness; Ensure the physical and cultural development of students; Conduct research work applied to the socio-economic context of Burundi.
Gitega Burundi,
Contact Phones : +25769714184,
UPG est l'université qui a pour devise:savoir,créativité et développement
Route Nationale N°8, km 4, Tankoma, Gitega
Contact Phones : +257 76 76 46 40, +257 22 40 48 48
L’Université Polytechnique de Gitega est une université privée communautaire organisée comme une « Association Sans But Lucratif » ASBL agréée par ordonnance du Ministre de l’Intérieur n° 530/1507 du 23 octobre 2013.
L’ouverture a été autorisée par l’ordonnance du Ministre de l’Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche Scientifique n°610/103 du 29 janvier 2014. Elle fait partie de l’ensemble des établissements d’enseignement supérieur régis par la loi n°1/22 du 30 décembre 2011 portant réorganisation de l’enseignement supérieur du Burundi.
, Bujumbura,Burundi
Contact Phones : +25779934072,
Université de Mwaro est une enseignement supérieure qui enseigne le savoir,le savoir faire et le faire savoir