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  Contacts and Web Directory/Listing Universities


Graduate School of Management(GSM), Abidjan

Cocody Riviera Palmeraie près de la Pharmacie Marie - Esther, ABIDJAN, 26 BP 755 ABIDJAN 26
Contact Phones : (+225) 22 52 88 13,(+225) 54 27 24 30
Web Address :www.gradsm.net

The Graduate School of Management (GSM) is an English management school created in May 2002 to undertake a pilot project of delivering English education at the tertiary level within a French environment. Today GSM is a fully registered private university managed by a team of well qualified, experienced, ambitious and result oriented young professionals.

Graduate School of management, (GSM) is a private business university, training students in the field of management in English (BBA, MEP, MBA, DBS) and also French (LP). GSM was created in May 2002 and approved as a tertiary establishment under the order N ° 174 / MESRS / DGES / DEPRIVE / S-DAH / kkj.

 GSM in partnership with international Institutions, namely, The Institute of Commercial Management (ICM) and other partner schools in Europe, prepares students to acquire international diplomas at the Bachelor’s and Master's degree level. 


Abidjan Graduate School

08 BP 10 Abidjan Lagunes Region Ivory Coast, 08 BP 10 Abidjan Lagunes Region Ivory Coast
Contact Phones : +225 (22) 44 42 32,+225 (22) 44 42 32
Web Address :www.ensabidjan.org/
The ENS is a higher education institution established by Decree No. 64-40 of 9 January 1964, establishing an ENS. It is the fruit of two (2) agreements signed between the State of Côte d'Ivoire and the United Nations Special Fund (UNSF) on one hand and on the other, between Cote d'Ivoire and the Community Economic European (CEE). At its inception, the ENS was placed under the authority of the Ministry of Education and located in the town of Cocody, opposite the university campus called "red city", instead of the current direction of the Pedagogy and Continuing Education. It was only in 1971, it was moved to its current location (in the scope of the University of Abidjan-Cocody), then placed now under the administrative and technical supervision of the Ministry of Higher Education . Since its creation until today, six (6) directors have succeeded the institution's head. These are respectively: Mr. François SALLIEN (from October 1963 to January 1964) Mr. ANDRE Nicola

African Higher School of Information Technology and Communication

Treichville, Km4 Bd de Marseille Abidjan Lagunes Region Ivory Coast, Treichville, Km4 Bd de Marseille Abidjan Lagunes Region Ivory Coast
Contact Phones : +225 (21) 225 494 / (+225) 21 218 100 ,+225 (21) 225 494 / (+225) 21 218 100
Web Address :www.esatic.ci/
The ESATIC is responsible for the general interest missions of initial training, and research continues in the trades of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). The school 's mission is to : Train specialized executives in the Information Technology and Communication including network domains and telecommunications / ICT services , regulation and Cybersecurity ; Conduct any research in the Information and Communication Technologies sector; Establish a national and international framework for cooperation in the field of telecommunications / ICT training;

Alassane Ouattara University

BP V 18 Bouaké Vallée du Bandama Region Ivory Coast, BP V 18 Bouaké Vallée du Bandama Region Ivory Coast
Contact Phones : +225 (31) 63 32 42,+225 (31) 63 32 42
Web Address :www.univ-ao.edu.ci/
Created in 2010 by the Network of Universities of Science and Technology of the Countries of Africa south of the Sahara (French: Réseau des Universités des Sciences et Technologies des pays d'Afrique au sud du Sahara (RUSTA)),[2] the CIFAD is an establishment of distance higher education whose role is to disseminate Internet training programs and educational resources in various fields : economics, management, electronics, mining engineering, civil engineering, etc.[3] The CIFAD prepares to graduations some of which are recognized by the African and Malagasy Council for Higher Education (French: Conseil Africain et Malgache pour l'Enseignement Supérieur (CAMES)).[4

ational Higher School of Statistics and Economics

BP 3 Abidjan Lagunes Region Ivory Coast, BP 3 Abidjan Lagunes Region Ivory Coast
Contact Phones : +225 (22) 44 08 40 / (225) 22 48 32 32 / +225 22,+225 (22) 44 08 40 / (225) 22 48 32 32 / +225 22
Web Address :www.ensea.ci/
ENSEA begins work since its inception in 1961 to deliver training at various levels, trying to adapt its programs to the scientific contexts, technological and socio-economic constantly changing. Generally Statistical Training maintained a satisfactory quality despite the problems the educational system and higher education have faced over the past two decades. This important achievement is linked to the multifaceted support of the Ivory Coast and the various contributions of bilateral and international partners. ENSEA has set new goals for the coming decade. These come in three points namely: The revision of programs under the LMD system, opening channels to non-Francophone areas, building activities towards Institutes National Statistics (INS) in the region to contribute to the implementation of National Strategies for the Development of Statistics (NSDS). For these challenges and perceptive, I still count on the dedication of faculty, administrative staff

Félix Houphouët-Boigny National Polytechnic Institute

BP 1093 Yamoussoukro Lagunes Region Ivory Coast, BP 1093 Yamoussoukro Lagunes Region Ivory Coast
Contact Phones : +225 (30) 64 03 53,+225 (30) 64 03 53
Web Address :www.inphb.edu.ci/
The Institut National Polytechnique Felix Houphouet-Boigny (INP-HB) was created by decree 96-678 of 04/09/96, the restructuring of the National School of Agronomy (ENSA), the National School Public Works (ENSTP), the Bouaké Agricultural Institute (IAB) and the National Higher Institute of Technical Education (INSET). Four institutions that is commonly known under the term of Grandes Ecoles Yamoussoukro. The creation of the INP-HB serves several purposes: * Reducing the cost structure and a more appropriate allocation of available resources * The harmonization of training policies * Improving the quality of teaching and the harmonization of training and employment. Missions 96-678 defined by the decree of 04/09/96, the missions of the INP-HB are: * Initial and ongoing training: diploma courses and skills training (recycling, development) senior technicians, engineers, technical and design engineers in the fields of industry, commerce, administration, engineering Civil, Mining

Félix Houphouët-Boigny University

01 BP V34 Abidjan Lagunes Region Ivory Coast, 01 BP V34 Abidjan Lagunes Region Ivory Coast
Contact Phones : +225 (22) 44 35 31,+225 (22) 44 35 31
1 October 1963: Transformation of the Centre for Higher Education in University of Abidjan, formalized by Decree No. 64-42 of 9 January 1964 1 June 1977: the University of Abidjan became the National University five (05) schools, an institute and a school - Faculty of Law - Sciences and technologies Faculty - Faculties of Economics - Medical School - Faculty of Letters, Arts and Humanities - Institute of Dentistry - School of Pharmacy September 2, 1992: creation of three (03) University Centres within the National University of Côte d'Ivoire - The Centre Universitaire de Cocody - The University Center of Abobo-Adjame - The University Centre in Bouaké 1995: Transformation of three (03) Universities in Autonomous University Centres (95-975 decree of December 20, 1995) - University of Cocody - University of Abobo-Adjame - University of Bouaké 1996: crea

Institute of Science and Communication Techniques

Mermoz Abidjan Lagunes Region Ivory Coast, Mermoz Abidjan Lagunes Region Ivory Coast
Contact Phones : +225 (22) 44 88 38,+225 (22) 44 88 38
Koen Vermeir is a Senior Research Fellow (CR1) at the CNRS. As a historian and philosopher, he has contributed to a wide array of fields. His main interests are in the history of the early modern imagination and in the interaction between religion and technology. Additionally, he works on historiographical and methodological topics and on science policy.

International University of Grand-Bassam / International University of Grand-Bassam

nternational University of Grand-Bassam Gand-Bassam, Route de Bonoua BP 564 Grand-Bassam, nternational University of Grand-Bassam Gand-Bassam, Route de Bonoua BP 564 Grand-Bassam
Contact Phones : 225) /,225) /
Web Address :www.iugb.edu20.org
1991 The GSU Office of African American Student Services and Dr. Derby, right center (blue dress) with Project Link group in Abidjan. Programs, under the leadership of Dr. Doris Derby, director, and Sam Koffi, president of the Ivorian Student Association, host a reception for the Minister of Health of Cote d’Ivoire. They begin exploratory discussions about a GSU-Ivorian educational exchange relationship.

Jean Lorougnon Guédé University

Daloa Haut-Sassandra Region Ivory Coast, Daloa Haut-Sassandra Region Ivory Coast
Contact Phones : 225) 32 78 75 83 32 ,225) 32 78 75 83 32
Web Address :www.univ-jlog.ci/
The Regional Unit of Higher Education (URES) of Daloa was established by Decree No. 96-613 of August 9, 1996 to decentralize the University of Abobo-Adjame and reduce the large number of students at the 1st cycle in Abidjan Universities. It is in this perspective that was opened at its inception, the 1st and 2nd academic years with minimal administrative and technical staff. Teachers mainly came from other research organizations and higher education, especially in Abidjan. Over the years, taking into account the vacation too high load and job constraints of time of temporary teachers, the Council of the University of Abobo-Adjame which was attached the URES in Daloa has found it useful to go beyond the first mission. Thus, several decisions were taken, namely: Recruit permanent teacher-researchers to ensure continuous lessons the URES in Daloa. Establish an expanded administration to manage all related activities; Set up a teaching license and a mastery of life science

Nangui Abrogoua University

BP 801 Abidjan Lagunes Region Ivory Coast, BP 801 Abidjan Lagunes Region Ivory Coast
Contact Phones : +225 (20) 37 81 21,+225 (20) 37 81 21
Web Address :www.univ-na.edu.ci/
The December 20, 1995, by Decree No. 95 975 and joint Department of Higher Education, Research and technological innovation Minister of Economy and Finance and Employment Minister of Public Service and Social Welfare National University will be split into three autonomous universities namely: The University of Cocody The University of Abobo-Adjame former University Centre of Abobo-Adjame The University of Bouaké, University of Bouaké former Centre With Decree No. 2012-981 of 10 October 2012 determining the powers, organization and functioning of the Universities, the University of Abobo-Adjame became Nangui ABROGOUA.una University It is located on the Abobo-Adjame axis in front of the factory and Filtisac occupies the former premises of the former National School of Agronomy (ENSA). Note that Nangui Abrogoua The University is under the administrative and technical supervision of the Ministry of higher education and also in the economic and financial supe

National Higher Institute of Arts and Cultural Action

Cocody, boulevard de l'Université 08 BP 49 ABIDJAN 08, Cocody, boulevard de l'Université 08 BP 49 ABIDJAN 08
Contact Phones : +225) 22 44 20 31 / 22 44 26 74,+225) 22 44 20 31 / 22 44 26 74
Web Address :www.insaac-ci.com/
Since Monday, December 23 and until tomorrow Friday, December 27, Higher National Institute of Arts and Cultural Action celebrates Ernesto Djedje, musician, promoter Zyglibithy, who died there. 30 years. And this tribute focuses on several activities which premiered on Monday was the unveiling of the giant statue bearing the likeness of the artist who now throne at the main entrance of the school of arts .. Followed by a seminar that opened in stride around the opening and especially the contribution of Djedje to the Ivorian and African music. This tribute, which aims "to restore Ernesto Djedje as it was," in the words of Tiburce Koffi, Director of INSAAC, will reach its high point Friday, December 27th with a concert built around a 18-album versions of "Gnianhè" of the artist disappeared. And artistic fresco that sheds light on the corner Zyglibythy a dance came west-central Côte d'Ivoire.

Université Catholique de l'Afrique de l'Ouest (UCAO) or Catholic University of West Africa

B.P. 22. City: Abidjan 08, B.P. 22. City: Abidjan 08
Contact Phones : +225 22 40 06 50,+225 22 40 06 50
Web Address :www.4icu.org
Université Catholique de l'Afrique de l'Ouest (UCAO) or Catholic University of West Africa was founded in 1967 as the Higher Institute of Religious Culture; later it became a university. It is situated in Abidjan, Ivory Coast.

Universite Peleforo Gon Coulibaly (Korhogo)

BP 1328 Korhogo, BP 1328 Korhogo
Contact Phones : 225) 36 85 00 00 / 36 85 00 01,225) 36 85 00 00 / 36 85 00 01
Web Address :www.univ-pgc.edu.ci
The university is named Péléforo Gbon Coulibaly5 , a former traditional chief of Korhogo region , which was close to the Ivorian president Félix Houphouët- Boigny6,7 .

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