Telecom Operators in Cape Verde | Web & Contacts Directory/Listing

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  Contacts and Web Directory/Listing Telecom Operators



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CVTelecom born splitting CTT-EP in 1994, resulting in the separation of posts and telecommunications business, resulting in the public limited company, Cabo Verde Telecom. This was followed, in 1995, the privatization of CVTelecom with the entry of the strategic partner, Portugal Telecom. Thanks to CVTelecom, Cape Verde currently has a telecommunications infrastructure supported by the Security concepts, quality, and Scan with a customer base exceeding 60,000 customers with dial. CVTelecom is a leader in the industry by offering its customers a wide range of services and solutions that extends to wireline services, data communications, leased lines, video conferencing and Prepaid cards. Attentive to the needs of its market, the service of Wireline ensures communications in the country, and the country beyond borders and provides guests with the most modern means of communication as a means of access to the information society. For companies and other clients with professional intere

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