niversidade Agostinho Neto Agostinho Neto University

niversidade Agostinho Neto Agostinho Neto University

7 Luanda Luanda Angola,Avenida 4 de Fevereiro 7 Luanda Luanda Angola,Luanda,Luanda
Contact Phones: +244 (222) 311125,+244 (222) 311125
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About niversidade Agostinho Neto Agostinho Neto University

About UAN The Agostinho Neto University (UAN), is the only educational institution public Superior in Angola. Under its organic statute (approved by Executive Decree No. 60/01 of 5 October) is a legal person of public law, endowed with statutory, scientific, pedagogic, administrative, financial and disciplinary intended for staff training higher, in the various branches of knowledge. The UAN guarantees freedom of scientific, cultural and technological creation, in a perspective of respect and promotion of the human person, the community and the environment. Also, ensure the plurality of opinions and their free expression, promotes the participation of all university bodies in common academic life and ensures democratic management methods, through the exercise of direct election of representatives of the different bodies among its organs. Currently Agostinho Neto University is located in 10 of the 18 provinces of the country, with: 7 Faculties, 6 Higher Institutes of Education
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