Asplenium Parvati Fern

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This fern is an easy to take care of fern, notable for its dense intricate fronds/ leaves. It’s also known as Mother Fern or leather fern. The plant is a very good indoor plant. It can be used as a table center piece, at home, office or any other

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This fern is an easy to take care of fern, notable for its dense intricate fronds/ leaves. It’s also known as Mother Fern or leather fern. 


The plant is a very good indoor plant. It can be used as a table center piece, at home, office or any other indoor space.


Water regularly and thoroughly so that water reaches the plant’s deeper roots. Ferns like moisture so make sure the soil does not dry out fully between watering. 


It’s best grown in bright but indirect light conditions to keep the plant healthy but can survive 2-3 meters away from a window. It may suffer if placed where it receives too much direct sunlight. Lack of light can lead to leggy stems or low growth rate or loss of some leaves. 

  • Prune out any brown leaves or stems.
