Blue star fern

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The  Blue star  fern is botanically  known  as Phlebodium davana. It has a beautiful appearance due to gray-blue color and gracefully serrated leaves. The plant is ideal for bathrooms and kitchens provided there is enough bright nat

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The  Blue star  fern is botanically  known  as Phlebodium davana. It has a beautiful appearance due to gray-blue color and gracefully serrated leaves.


The plant is ideal for bathrooms and kitchens provided there is enough bright natural light. It also does well in hanging baskets.


Davana prefers partial shade but will enjoy some brighter indirect lighting conditions. Keep away from complete shade and direct sunlight sources as this will burn and dry out the leaves.  Dark corners or very low light conditions will stunt the plant.


Keep  the soil moist at all times. Water when the surface of soil becomes slightly dry. Avoid soggy  soils it’s advisable to water on the sides other than directly onto the leaves.

These ferns prefer higher humidity levels therefore mist the leaves occasionally for best results. 

Remember to rotate this fern occasionally so it can evenly receive light to help create a full even growth.
