Dracaena Surculosa

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Dracaena surculosa is a popular indoor ornamental plant. The main attraction about this plant is it has bamboo like stem and it can purify the air. It’s a perfect choice to adding life to your home.

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Product Information

Dracaena surculosa is a popular indoor ornamental plant. The main attraction about this plant is it has bamboo like stem and it can purify the air. It’s a perfect choice to adding life to your home


  • Used in home and office decor
  • Grown as an air purifying plant


Place your plant in a spot that receives bright indirect light


Water only when the soil feels dry to touch. The soil must never be allowed to dry out completely

Plant protection

Wipe the dust from the leaves with a clean wet cloth or wash it off using a water in a hand sprayer

Remove dead leaves and any other infected parts of the plant

NOTE, Price doesn’t include ceramic pot
