Philodendron Atom

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The Philodendron Atom (Philodendron selloum) is a compact, tropical indoor plant with glossy lobe-shaped leaves. A shade plant with a compact growing habit, it grows to about 30cm high and 20cm wide, making it a welcome addition to your living room.

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Product Information

The Philodendron Atom (Philodendron selloum) is a compact, tropical indoor plant with glossy lobe-shaped leaves. A shade plant with a compact growing habit, it grows to about 30cm high and 20cm wide, making it a welcome addition to your living room.


It prefers growing in indirect sunlight.


Water twice a week but most importantly check if the soil is dry before watering again

It does well in Well-drained soil or potting mix.

Note, price doesn’t include ceramic pots
