- IDROID Technologies Limited

Order Products Online - The iDROID WRIST is wearable technology that you don’t even have to slip in your pocket

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Product Information

After state-of-the-art smartphones, phablets and tablets iDROID brings you technology you can wear. The iDROIDFIT is wearable technology that you don’t even have to slip in your pocket. It resides on your hand ready for your command. Designed especially for people with fitness goals you can now take your contacts and be connected on your morning sprint or at the gym.

The iDROID FIT helps chart calories burnt and calories consumed, it helps schedule workouts, yoga days and mark out times for a quick run on the treadmill. This is a health fitness must have! The fitness accessory of the season! Buy them before they run out of stock!


Step Up Your Game

iDROIDFIT’s pedometer counts your every step as you take it, measures the distance you’ve run, counts the calories you burn and facilitates reminders so you can keep your head in the game while getting the best fitness results on the go.

Stay Connected

iDROID’swearable technology allows you to stay connected to all your social media profiles as well as your emails and contact list. Make important calls while you do your set repsor just eliminate the need for a bulky phone by wearing it on your wrist.

Wave It Away

iDROID FIT’s 0.91 inch OLED display is touch friendly and also had the revolutionary wave gesture technology. Hands to sweaty to use touch screen? Simply use wave gesture technology and never be made to feel powerless by your device!

Drench It!

Installed with the very best features; iDROIDFIT is waterproof to encompass all areas of the fitness world! Drench it sweat, count the laps you do in a pool, keep a measure of your pace and agility under water, take it diving, surfing, motor boating, kayaking without a worry
