- Maua and More

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These share the same botanical family with the pineapple. They have a wide varieties of leaf color ranging from green to maroon to different variegations.

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Product Information

These share the same botanical family with the pineapple. They have a wide varieties of leaf color ranging from green to maroon to different variegations.

They are adopted to different various climates, some of the species we have in our collection will require from just having enough bright light to partial shade and some with stand full sun conditions

They are so easy to care for and will just need to put some water in there centre cup formed from the arrangement of their leaves

These astounding beauties add an exotic touch to your home. You can have them as potted plants or mass plant them in your garden, and edge to mark off your flower bed.

They also make very good rock garden plants.
Some are air plants hence can have them attached to trees or drift woods

Take a look at some of our bromeliads collection

