CALATHEA / Peacock/Zebra plant

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There are several dozens of species in this genus. Each specie is unique in the way it looks but they all have the same care. They are popular for there attention grabbing decorative leaves and in some species, colorful inflorescences.

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Product Information

Also known as peacock/zebra

There are several dozens of species in this genus. Each specie is unique in the way it looks but they all have the same care. They are popular for there attention grabbing decorative leaves and in some species, colorful inflorescences.

Some species have an amazing feature of folding up their leaves in the evening and then unfurl in the morning a Phenomenon that earns them their name of PRAYER PLANTS

They make very good indoor plants since they prefer low light to medium light. Therefore you can have it in the house, office, and any other indoor space. You can also have it on your shady balcony or part of your landscape provided its in shade.

The soil should be kept moist but not so wet and yet not so dry.

They are very low maintenance plants considering you place the plant in shade and keep the soil moist.

PS. Calatheas are a symbol of new beginning. This meaning comes the from the English saying "to turn over a new leaf" which is what the plant in the dark.

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