
- Maua and More

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These plants have thickened and fleshy leaves to retain water in arid climates or dry soil conditions. They are often grown as ornamental plants because because of their striking and unusual appearance.

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Product Information

Plant group: SUCCULENTS

These plants have thickened and fleshy leaves to retain water in arid climates or dry soil conditions. They are often grown as ornamental plants because because of their striking and unusual appearance.

They are commonly used in floral arrangements, can be placed at a window sill, for office in small spaces like tables or shelves, and also used in rock gardens or succulent beds.

For indoor purposes, its better to place them in spots with very bright light or even rays of sun coming in. You can also move them out like once in a week for morning sun

Succulents have the ability to thrive with relatively minimal care

They don't like too much water so its better to water when soil is dry which an estimate of once in a week or after 5 days.

They also prefer well drained soils which is more of sandy.

PS. succulents symbolize enduring and timeless love. For they are tenacious plants that store water in their thick leaves and stems

