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Medinilla is one of the most graceful and stylish flowering plants you can grow outdoors in partial shade areas. Its beautiful, rose pink hanging flowers will add a pop of colour to any of your space,

These plants require bright, indirect sunli

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Medinilla is one of the most graceful and stylish flowering plants you can grow outdoors in partial shade areas. Its beautiful, rose pink hanging flowers will add a pop of colour to any of your space,

These plants require bright, indirect sunlight and should be shaded from the hottest rays of the day. If the leaves start turning brown either the air is too dry or your plant’s getting too much direct sunlight – adjust its position. 

Water well during the dry season and during the rainy months, water just enough to stop the plant from drying.

This plant also loves humidity - mist spray the leaves during flowering season to encourage growth. 

The flowers on this plant will naturally die, so don't take it personally. Simply prune them when they do to keep your Medinilla healthy.
