Azalea shrub

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Nothing is more beautiful than an Azalea shrub in bloom. These easy-care shrubs come in so many colors therefore its hard to find one that doesnt suit your needs. Azaleas can be grown in any Garden, instantly adding interest and color to drab areas.

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Product Information

Nothing is more beautiful than an Azalea shrub in bloom. These easy-care shrubs come in so many colors therefore its hard to find one that doesnt suit your needs. Azaleas can be grown in any Garden, instantly adding interest and color to drab areas.

Grow or plant Azaleas in cool, lightly shaded areas. Full sun can actually burn the leaves while heavy shade can deprive them of necessary oxygen, resulting into poor blooming and weaker growth. However, Azaleas if slowly trained, can adopt  to full sun conditions in the long run.

They prefer well-drained soils.

Also ensure keeping the soil moisturised at all times. Do not let the soil to completely dry out and do not over water.

To maintain a compact appearance or simply encourage bushier growth, trim Azaleas after their blooming period has expired. Taking time to trim Azaleas by cutting back the branches of these shrubs will also help renew over grown plants.
