MS Plates

- Roofings Group

Order Products Online - MS Plates Technical Specifications for MS Plates

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Technical Specifications for MS Plates
Size in Feet Width in mm Length in mm Thickness in mm Weight per PC in kg
8'x4' 1220 2440 0.8 18.769
8'x4' 1220 2440 1 23.234
8'x4' 1220 2440 1.2 28.1
8'x4' 1220 2440 1.5 35.01
8'x4' 1220 2440 2 46
8'x4' 1220 2440 2.5 60
8'x4' 1220 2440 2.8 65.5
8'x4' 1220 2440 4 95.25
8'x4' 1220 2440 6 142.88
8'x4' 1220 2440 8 190.59
8'x4' 1220 2440 10 238.14
8'x4' 1220 2440 12 185.76
8'x4' 1220 2440 15 375
8'x4' 1220 2440 20 476
8'x4' 1220 2440 25 585

MS Plates conform to international quality parameters
ST 37.2 as per DIN Spec 171000 and JIS 3193 & 3131
MS Plates between 0.8 to 2.8mm can be supplied in customer specified length
