Multilayered necklace

- Sustain A Skin

Order Products Online - If you’re looking for a piece of jewellery that adds flair to your outfit, a necklace of hippo teeth or cowhide bangle can add that wildlife chic to your look. Perhaps you’re looking for a more earthy look- achieve it with our wild seed hand painted neck

More about Sustain A Skin

Product Information

If you’re looking for a piece of jewellery that adds flair to your outfit, a necklace of hippo teeth or cowhide bangle can add that wildlife chic to your look. Perhaps you’re looking for a more earthy look- achieve it with our wild seed hand painted necklaces.

Multilayered necklace
Materials: Coloured, varnished plant seeds
Colours available: Red
Recommended for: A glamorous night out or charity gala- bound to attract lots of attention and questions
