Product Information
Soft drinks: Created February 3, 1948 in Douala, Société Anonyme des Brasseries du Cameroon (SABC), a subsidiary of International Breweries and Coolers of CASTEL Group, is the leader of the brewing industry in Cameroon. It specializes in the production and marketing of soft drinks. The SABC is ISO 9001: 2008.
Glassware: Founded in Douala, June 28, 1966, the Cameroonian Company Glassware (SOCAVER), a subsidiary of SA of Cameroon manufactures Breweries and markets nearly 100 brands of hollow glass products including bottles, flasks and jars. The SOCAVER is ISO 9001: 2008.
Natural mineral water and table water: Mineral Water Company of Cameroon (SMS) was established in January 16, 1979 Tanguy, 70 kilometers from Douala. The SEMC, which produces natural mineral water source Tangui, is the first operating company and bottling of natural mineral water established in Cameroon. Subsidiary of the SABC, the SEMC is ISO 9001: 2008. SABC also produces and markets a range of table water (Aqua beautiful).
Fine wines of superior quality: The Castel group is represented in Cameroon by The Brassseries of Cameroon market a wide range of fine wines of superior quality, through "La Clé des Châteaux".
S piritueux and champagnes: Pernod Ricard products are sold in Cameroon Breweries of Cameroon.