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  Courses & Training Universities


African Bible University of Uganda

P. O. Box 71242, Clock Tower, Kampala, Uganda, Plot 870, Lubowa Estates, Roofings Rd, off Entebbe Rd,
Contact Phones : +256 256-414-201-888,+256 256-414-201-507
Web Address

This unique educational institution is not new to Africa. The original vision for the university began in the hearts and minds of Dr. and Mrs. John W. Chinchen. After spending seven years training pastors in the interior of Liberia, the Chinchens realized the great need for colleges that would respond to the need of the large number of secondary school graduates in Africa. In 1978 the vision became reality when the first of the African Bible Colleges began in Liberia, West Africa. A second college opened in 1991 in the South-East African country of Malawi. In due time, both of these colleges were recognized by the governments of their respective countries as accredited, university-level, degree-granting institutions.


Mityana Rd. Buloba Trade Centre, Uganda Kampala, P.O. Box 35138, Kampala, Uganda
Contact Phones : +256 701 598347,+256-782-598347.

AFRICA RENEWAL UNIVERSITY IS COMMITED TO: ...developing influential leaders who boldly stand against theological err and immorality, understand the African context in which they live and cultivate long-lasting and self-sustaining ministries. ...sound theology in the context of twenty-first century African culture. Our goal is to ground our students in a Biblical doctrine while balancing it with real ministry to others in the community. atmosphere of local church ministry. The emphasis of the institute is teaching and practical training in the context of an actual local church rather than primarily academic research. Students are taught to serve the Lord alongside the institute faculty and pastoral staff in the midst of a real community. ...hands-on training. There is an outcry in Uganda that University students are unemployable. At ARU we are committed to teaching students to love work while giving them the practical and professional skills they will need to excel


P.O.Box 112, Kabwohe, Kabwohe Hill, Sheema District
Contact Phones : +256-392-943-628 ,.
Web Address

Vision To be the leading community oriented centre of learning and research Mission To produce through learning and research God fearing, hard working, disciplined and compassionate graduates of integrity, accountable to the community Motto Light of the World Core Values Compassionate Integrity Love Handwork Discipline Accountability Philosophy The University is based on the conviction that human development is a product of dedicated service driven by God fearing values. Those in the service of others ought to demonstrate high levels of dedication and uphold christian morals and beliefs. In this, they become the "Light of the World" Academic Programmes With its small size and capacity for individual attention to students, AWU is an attractive place for students from all backgrounds. Below are a number of academic programmes at Certificate, Diploma and Undergraduate Levels.


Nabweru, 1 km off Nansana, Hoima Road, P.O. Box 12385 Kampala, Uganda
Contact Phones : +256 758 569 669,+256 414 699 397
Web Address

To lead in innovative higher education for a social, economic and technological transformation. Our Mission To enhance accessibility to innovative higher education in the pursuit of producing competent citizens ready to change and benefit the society to a sustainable social, economic and technological transformation. Our current programmes BBA – Marketing & Co-operatives Management BBA – Land & Property Management BBA – International Business Bachelor of Information Technology Diploma in Information Technology Diploma in Business Administration Certificate in Business Administration Certificate in Information Technology Short Courses Change Management Personal Management Leadership & Leadership skills Accounting & Records Management for Business Financial Management for non Financial Managers Management of Cooperative Societies/SACCOS Fundamentals of Land Property Management Front Desk..


Kabale western region - Uganda, P. O. Box 613, Kabale, Uganda
Contact Phones : +256 772 770 809,+256 703 450 288
Web Address

As a Constituent College of the Uganda Christian University, our academic and other programmes are identical with those of the Main Campus at Mukono. Indeed, our Graduation Ceremonies every October are presided over by the Chancellor of the Uganda Christian University, as well as by the Vice-Chancellor. Masters Programmes Master of Business Administration Master of Social Work and Social Administration Master of Arts in Translation and Language Development Master of Arts in Development Studies Postgraduate Programmes Postgraduate Diploma in Human Resource Management Postgraduate Diploma in Project Planning Postgraduate Diploma in Public Administration Postgraduate Diploma in Education Postgraduate Diploma in Christian Ministry Postgraduate Diploma in Alcohol and Substance Abuse Counselling Undergraduate Programmes Bachelor of Business Administration Bachelor of Procurement and Logistics Management Bachelor of Economics and Management Bachelor of Public Admin.

Bishop Stuart University

Plot 150, Buremba Road, Kashari Block 4 Kakoba Hill, .
Contact Phones : +256-4854-22970 ,.
Web Address

Bishop Stuart University (BSU) is a Church based private University founded by the Ankole Diocese of the Church of the Anglican Province of Uganda. It traces its humble beginnings from Bishop Tucker Theological College Mukono which was founded in 1913 as a Normal School and over the years evolved into the Uganda Christian University in 1992. The Normal School was transferred to Ruharo, next to Mbarara High School in 1952 under Rev. Hugh F. Hodge who founded a grade II co-educational Teacher Training College, known as Bishop Stuart College at Kakoba. From 1952-1981 Bishop Stuart College trained grades II and III teachers. In 1982 the College was transferred to Kibingo in Rwampara, giving way to National Teachers College, Kakoba, to train Diploma Teachers for Primary and Secondary Schools. In March 2002, the Ankole Diocese Synod resolved to establish a University at Kakoba Hill, named Bishop Stuart University. In April 2004, Bishop Stuart University became affiliated to Uganda

Bugema University

32Km along Gayaza - Zirobwe Road, Luwero
Contact Phones : +256 781 715480; +256 782414302 / +256 753 935 337,+256 31 351 400

With the entry of the Adventist Church in Uganda in 1927 came also the first Adventist educational institution in Nchwanga in West Central Uganda.  As in most cases of pioneering ventures, the primary function of the institution was to train pastors and church workers.  In 1948 the institution moved to a newly purchased property of 640 acres in Bugema, 34 Kilometers from Kampala.  Two years later a secondary education at ‘O’ level was started.  By 1970 a junior college began its operations training pastors for the field.  Four years later, the denomination upgraded the institution into a four-year seminary, granting bachelor’s degrees in theology (BTh).

Busitema University

P.O.BOX 236, Tororo, Jinja - Malaba Road
Contact Phones : +256 454 448864 ,+256-4544-488
Web Address

Busitema University is a multi campus model public University located in the eastern region of Uganda. The main campus is at Busitema and other campuses at Nagongera, Namasagali, Arapai, Mbale, Pallisa and Kaliro. Established by Statutory Instrument in 2007, the University focuses on relevant and critical study programs in Engineering, Science Education, Health Sciences, Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences, Agriculture and Animal Sciences, Management Sciences and Vocational Education. At the time of establishment, it was envisaged that the University would improve equitable access to University Education in the country, since the region did not have a public University. The University opened its doors to the first cohort of students on 3rd October 2007.


Busoga University

Eastern Region, Iganga Campus
Contact Phones : n/a,256 (43) 243 175

Busoga University is a private (non-profit making) institution founded by the Church of Uganda under the Busoga Diocese. It is located 35km along Jinja-Iganga/Mbale Tororo highway and is situated in the Iganga Christian Missionary Society (CMS) Educational Village.

Cavendish University Uganda.

P.O.Box 33145, Kampala, Uganda, Plot 1469 Nsambya Ggaba Road
Contact Phones : +256 414 531 700,+256 700 652 030
Web Address

Cavendish University Uganda (CUU) is a leading Private University in Uganda established in 2008 and is licensed and accredited by the Uganda National Council for Higher Education.

Our student-centric academic model deploys global best practices in teaching and learning and aims to fulfil the Mission of CUU, which is to transform and inspire students to reach their full potential in employment, entrepreneurship, and ethical leadership.

CUU offers market-relevant and accredited academic Programmes hosted in four Faculties of Law, Science & Technology, Business & Management, and Socio-Economic Sciences. In addition, there is a School of Postgraduate Studies & Research.

Clarke International University (CIU)

P.O. Box 7782 Kampala, Uganda, Kawagga Close, off Kalungi Road, Muyenga Block 244 | Plot 8244 Bukasa Kyadondo
Contact Phones : (+256)-750-000-600,(+256)-323-301-640
Web Address

A few years ago, the University Council, after thoughtful consideration, decided to change the name of the university from International Health Sciences University (IHSU) to Clarke International University (CIU) to better reflect the scope of a diverse and innovative curriculum beyond health.

IHSU has a long-standing history of being a niche university offering only health-related training. IHSU’s early beginnings originated out of a Nursing School and over the years evolved to comprise other Schools including: the Institute of Public Health and Management (IPHM), Institute of Allied Health Sciences (IAHS), Family Medicine, ICT in Health and the School of Nursing and Midwifery (SONM). Our curriculum has been innovative but limited in scope. The new brand of the university allows us to build on IHSU’s successful legacy but also diversify our program offerings. 


P.O. Box 824, Kampala, Uganda, ESAMI Centre, Plot 52, Bombo Road,
Contact Phones : +256 31 2 261203,+256 41 4 254222, +256 41 4 343 397

The Eastern and Southern African Management Institute (ESAMI) is an intergovernmental regional management development centre. ESAMI's head office is located in Arusha, Tanzania. The institute was established with the primary objective of providing the region with trained personnel in a number of critical areas including policy management, transportation management, financial management, information technology management, health management, human resources management, project management, energy and environment management and gender management among others. The focus was to train middle to senior managers from the region to improve their managerial performance taking into consideration the global issues but with a regional focus relevant to the African environment.

Gulu University

P. O. Box 531, Gulu / Loroo Division, Gulu Municpality, Pece-Laroo Division, Gulu
Contact Phones : +256 471432921,+256 471 432 094
Web Address

To become a premier educational institution in the country capable of impacting positively on the socioeconomic and political developments of the region To offer quality secondary education at an affordable cost to our people through dedicated teaching, guidance and giving support for personal growth and development. The school has a broad curriculum containing Arts. Science, Vocational and Business Subjects at both 'O' and 'A' levels. 'O' level curriculum: Subjects offered include: English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Agriculture, Geography, History, Commerce, Political Education, Accounts, C.R.E, Entrepreneurship, Fine Art, and now Computer. 'A' level curriculum: Subjects offered include: G.P, History,Geography, Economics, Entrepreneurship, Literature, C.R.E, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Agriculture, Fine Art, and now Computer.

International Health Sciences University

Kampala - Uganda, Kololo - Kampala
Contact Phones : .,+256 312 307 400
Web Address

We are a registered private non - residential University in Uganda and a member of the International Medical Group...

International University of East Africa (IUEA)

P.O.Box 35502, Kampala, Uganda. , Plot No. 1112/1121, Kansanga Ggaba, Kampala
Contact Phones : (+256) 770 564 247, (+256) 708 310 485 / WhatsApp : (+256) 705 722 300,Toll Free : 800 335 335
Web Address

THE INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF EAST AFRICA (IUEA) is a private university licensed by the Ugandan National Council for Higher Education (NCHE). IUEA main campus is located in Kansanga, Kampala, Uganda, and draws students from East Africa, and from the rest of the world. The International University of East Africa celebrates a multi-cultural atmosphere. For example, it is not unusual at IUEA to have a student project group made up of students from Uganda, Egypt, DRC, Eritrea, and Nigeria working on a problem assigned by a lecturer from New Zealand IUEA is a thriving international community of scholars and students engaged in the pursuit of advanced knowledge, practical skills and humane values. At IUEA we are dedicated to producing excellent graduates who are masters of their chosen fields of study, highly employable, and capable of creating new products and building new companies as entrepreneurs.


Floor 1 & 5, Conrad Plazza, Plot 22, Entebbe Road, P.O. Box 6087 Kampala,Uganda, Plot 11A, Rotary Avenue, Lugogo Bypass, Kololo Kampala, Uganda
Contact Phones : +256 776 373 548 WhatsApp : +256 758 237 525,+256 414 237 524/5/6
Web Address

ISBAT University has carved a niche for itself among the best Universities in Uganda. ISBAT as a quality brand in education sector has been in existence in Uganda since 2006, being ranked consistently among the top higher education institutions. It has an excellent array of international collaborative arrangements with reputed Universities, Business schools, and ICT Academies that enable student and faculty exchanges, credit mapping and credit transfer, paving the way for a unique multicultural and eclectic experience in a global scenario.

ISBAT University has been granted a Charter by H. E. The President of the Republic of Uganda upon the recommendations of Uganda National Council for Higher Education in November 2019, and is one of the few Chartered Universities in Uganda.

Islamic University In Uganda

Kumi Road, Mbale (U), Mbale
Contact Phones : +256 701 386 400,+256 778 007 077, +256 393 512 103
Web Address

The Islamic University in Uganda was opened in the year 1988 by the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) under a bilateral agreement between the Government of Uganda (GOU) and the OIC. In 1990, the Parliament of Uganda enacted a law, The Islamic University in Uganda Act (cap 131, Laws of Uganda), formally establishing the University in Uganda. The University operates under the framework of this Act. The University opened on 10th February 1988 with 80 students and two degree programmes. Currently, it offers 72 programmes in 7 Faculties and has a student population of 8,638 coming from 21 different countries. The University has so far graduated 25,000 students from various disciplines. The University has a centre for Postgraduate Studies and four campuses including the main Campus in Mbale. The University employs over 600 fulltime members of staff from 8 countries, and about 300 on part time basis.

Kabale University

Kabale, Uganda., Plot 364 Block 3 Kikungiri Hill, Kabale Municipality Kabale – Kigali Highway, Kabale
Contact Phones : +256 486 426 463,+256 782 860 259
Web Address

The Idea of Kabale University was born way back in 1995 under the umbrella of the Kigezi Development Association. In 1999, Kabale District Local Government signed and sealed a commitment deed confirming its donation of land in Kabale Municipality for the development of Kabale University. This contribution was fifty-three (53) acres of land and the developments on it at Kikungiri Hill and Nyabikoni. In the same year, an application to operate Kabale University as a centre of higher learning was submitted to the Ministry of Education and Sports (MoES). Kabale University is located on Plot 364 Block 3 Kikungiri Hill, in Kabale Municipality, about a kilometre off Kabale-Katuna-Kigali Highway. The Main Campus sits on 50 acres of land. The University can be accessed via Mukombe Road, which connects the Kikungiri Campus to the Highway. An additional Campus is located on Plots 66-76 in Nyabikoni Parish in the Central Division of Kabale Municipality. 

Kampala International University (KIU)

Kansanga – Ggaba Road,Kampala, Box 20000, Kampala
Contact Phones : +256 752 800802,+256 392 001816
Web Address

KIU has its main campus at Kansanga, a location in Makindye Division in the south-eastern part of Kampala, Uganda's capital and largest city. The campus is approximately 7 kilometres (4.3 mi) south-east of Kampala's central business district, along the road to Ggaba. 

KIU's second campus is located in Ishaka in Bushenyi District, approximately 360 kilometres (220 mi), by road, south-west of Kampala.

KIU maintains a third campus, the KIU Dar es Salaam Constituent College, in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Kampala University (KU)

P.O.Box 25454 Kampala - Uganda / Ggaba, Ggaba, Kampala
Contact Phones : +256-31-2111294 | +256-773198341,+256-703624974
Web Address

Kampala University is a fountain of knowledge, which produces holistic and all round graduates who become vanguards of change in the community. This philosophy is founded on a society, which needs graduates who are competitive in the job market, academically, morally and socially. It is the University's belief, firm hope and desire that Uganda as a nation, the East and Central Africa Region, and indeed the whole world become transformed into a developed common society economically, culturally and academically which should act as a vehicle of development in all areas and at all levels.

Kayiwa International University

P.O.Box 9096 Kampala, Uganda, Plot 336 Balintuma Road, Mengo
Contact Phones : +256414691720 | +256791424866.,+256774650222
Web Address

Anyone with parental responsibility will lose it when an adoption order is made. The same is what happens when the young, parents less infl uential, are exposed with little guidance to the dangers of the modern world.

Therefore Kayiwa International University aware of the numerous perversions of integrity of the modern world lays emphasis on safeguarding the university seeking adult in a milieu of ethics, high quality academic expertness and skills that will make them dignifi ed, marketable and worthful employers or employees anywhere on the globe.

Below is a list of courses offered at Kayiwa International University Bachelor of Development and Community outreach Bachelor of Business Administration Bachelor of Education Bachelor of Theology and counseling Bachelor of Information Technology Diploma in Information Technology


Kampala, Uganda, Plot 31, King Ceasor Rd Ggaba Road
Contact Phones : +256 394 716 326,+256200911450
Web Address

King Ceasor Augustus Mulenga conceived the idea of establishing the university in 2009 and obtained an interim letter of authority. On 26th September 2011 the University obtained a Provisional License from NCHE. The change of names (Montessori University in 2009, St. Augustine International University in 2010 -2019, and King Ceasor University 2020-todate)..

We are committed to providing quality education grounded in a culture of developing hands-on skills for job creation and job markets. With a strong ambition and desire to address the various challenges that have afflicted the higher education sector in the region and the poor quality graduates that have flocked the East African job market, We are guided by its dictum, "Moral Rearmament and Wealth Creation

 We use student-centered methods of instruction to promote students’ own knowledge search and discovery with assistance and involvement of our highly qualified and experienced lecturers as guides..

Kyambogo University

8km from Kampala City Cen, Jinja Road
Contact Phones : (+256) 414 285037,(+256) 414 285001
Web Address

Kyambogo University (KYU) was established with the main aim of promoting and advancing knowledge and development of skills in Science, Technology and Education and such other fields having regards for quality, equity, progress and transformation of society.

The University that now sits on Banda Hill is one of Uganda’s largest public Universities established by the Universities and Other Tertiary Institutions Act 2001 and the Universities and Other Tertiary institutions (Establishment of Kyambogo University) instruments of 2003. It is a merger of the former Uganda Polytechnic Kyambogo (UPK), the Institute of Teacher Education, Kyambogo (ITEK), and the Uganda National Institute of Special Education (UNISE).


P.O. Box 994 Mbale, Uganda, Mbale, Uganda
Contact Phones : +256 761 003 031,+256 761 003 031

LivingStone International University (LIU) is a private non-profit Christian University established in Mbale Uganda. The vision come from the missionaries of the New Testament Churches of Christ who saw the need to have a greater influence through education so that communities can be improved for Christ. LIU was granted a letter of interim authority by the Uganda National Council for Higher education to begin operating in 2008. In Mbale 2010, after vigorous inspections and interviews, a provisional license was granted, which authorizes LIU to admit students and issue degrees. The process of acquiring the Charter is in progress. All degrees have been accredited by the NCHE and we look forward to the future expansion as God provides. LivingStone International University is seeking to transform Africa through quality Christ-centered Higher education and the LIU vision is taking shape rapidly with much work to be done. Already 56 acres of land have been acquired in a key location..

Makerere University

1, Univeristy Road
Contact Phones : +256 414 534560/9-9,256-414-540628/
Web Address

Makerere University, Kampala is Uganda's largest and oldest institution of higher learning, first established as a technical school in 1922.

It became an independent national university in 1970.

Today, Makerere University is composed of nine colleges and one school offering programmes for about 36,000 undergraduates and 4,000 postgraduate.

Makerere University Business School (MUBS)

P.O. Box 1337 Kampala., Plot 21 A, Port Bell Rd, Kampala
Contact Phones : .,+256 414-505921
Web Address

Makerere University Business School (MUBS) is the school of business of Makerere University, Uganda's oldest university. MUBS provides business and management education at the certificate, diploma, undergraduate and postgraduate levels.


Mbarara Central, P.O BOX 1410, Mbarara,
Contact Phones : +256-414-533 162,+256-4854-21373
Web Address

Mbarara University of Science & Technology, commonly known as Mbarara University, is a public university in Uganda. Mbarara University commenced student intake and instruction in 1989. It is one of the eight public universities and degree-awarding institutions in the country.


3km South Of Arua Town, Northern Uganda, P.O. Box 725, Arua - Uganda
Contact Phones : .,+256-476-420311/2/3
Web Address

VISION A model University for transformation and development MISSION To provide quality education, generate knowledge, promote innovations and community empowerment for transformation. CORE VALUES Muni University will promote and uphold core values of:- Quality, Equity, Responsiveness, Professionalism and Inattentiveness. Four technology-science based degree programmes for developing hands-on skills and competences in order to address gaps in vocational and science education, community health and information and telecommunications were developed. They are as follows:- Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Bachelor of Information Systems : Bachelor of Science with Education Bachelor of Nursing Sciences

Muteesa I Royal University (MRU)

P.O.Box 322 Masaka Uganda, .
Contact Phones : +256 772 462 739 ,+256 434 251 459
Web Address

Muteesa I Royal University (MRU) is a private university in Uganda. It was accredited by the Uganda National Council for Higher Education (UNCHE) in 2007. On 15 June 2016, Justice Julia Sebutinde was installed as Chancellor of the University, replacing Ronald Muwenda Mutebi II, the founding chancellor who officially became The Visitor of the University.

The main campus is in the city of Masaka, approximately 135 kilometres (84 mi), by road, southwest of Kampala, Uganda's capital and largest city.

The second campus is on Mengo Hill, the seat of the Buganda Government, within the city of Kampala.

The third campus is in the town of Mubende, approximately 153 kilometres (95 mi), by road, west of Kampala.

MRU was established when ownership of the Masaka Technical Institute (Uganda Technical College, Masaka), was transferred from the government of Uganda to the Buganda government in January 2007.

Ndejje University

North of Kampala near Lady Irene, Ndejje Hill, Luweero District, about 42 kilometers (26 miles)
Contact Phones : +256 414 693 126,+256 392 730 321

Established in 1992, Ndejje University (NDU) is the oldest private university and the fastest growing in Uganda. 

In 2009 the University was chartered by the National Council for Higher Education (NCHE) of Uganda meaning that all certificates awarded at the University where nationally and internationally recognized. Also, all courses offered in the university were accredited by the same body. The University further subscribes to the Inter University Council for East Africa and Association of African universities.

Nkumba University

28 Km, Entebbe High way, P.O. Box 237, Entebbe
Contact Phones : +256 772 361 351,+256 414 320 283, +256 414 321 448, +256 414 374 491

Nkumba University (NU) is a private university in Entebbe, Uganda. It was established in 1994 as part of a group of schools and colleges that originally grew from a kindergarten established in 1951. The university is dedicated to the promotion of excellence in applied business education. The university builds students on the 4Cs: Creativity, Confidence, Competence and Character. The university is not affiliated with any particular religious organization, but it accommodates several religious associations, which allow the students to fellowship along religious beliefs and to devote adequate time to God.

St Lawrence University (SLAU)

Mengo, Rubaga Division, Kampala , Kibuga Block 8/1126 and 8/1127
Contact Phones : +256 414 270082,--
Web Address

St. Lawrence University occupies the premise of one of the five St. Lawrence Schools and College, Kabaka’s Lake Campus. It is on Kibuga Block 8/1126 and 8/1127, in Mengo, Rubaga Division, Kampala City. St. Lawrence University was launched by the President of the Republic of Uganda. His Excellency Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, on 14th October, 2006.


Twed Towers, 8th Floor, Wing B - Nakasero 10, Kafu road, Kampala - Uganda
Contact Phones : .,+256 414 344 401
Web Address

Is a Chartered University based in Nairobi . We started in 1961 as the first multi-racial, multi-religious advamced level sixth form College offering Science and arts subjects.

Team University Kampala Uganda

., Wood House Mengo, Plot 446, Kabaka A’njagala Rd, Mengo-Rubaga, Kampala, Uganda.
Contact Phones : +256-775006054,+256-753564779

Team University is a Private University licensed by the National Council for Higher Education (NCHE), mandated to award Undergraduate Degrees (Bachelors), Post Graduate Degrees (Masters and PhDs), Post Graduate Diplomas as well as Vocational Courses and training for Professional qualifications.

At Team University we offer courses which are highly competitive and prestigious bench marked to international standards. This gives our students a password to confront the challenges of the world of work as job creators but not job seekers.

The Inter University Council of East AFrica

P.O.Box 7110, Kampala, Uganda, Plot M833, Kigobe Road Kyambogo, Kampala, Uganda.
Contact Phones : ., (+256) 414256251/2
Web Address

The Inter-University Council for East Africa, is an institution of the East African Community, which is a regional intergovernmental organisation of the republics of Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Burundi, Rwanda and South Sudan. IUCEA aims to foster collaboration between universities in the EAC region.

Uganda Christian University

P.O. Box 4, Mukono, Uganda, Plot 67-173, Mukono Hill, Bishop Tucker Road
Contact Phones : +256-(0)41 456 5800,+256 (0)31 235 0800
Web Address

Uganda Christian University (UCU) is an authentic Christian institution established by the Church of Uganda in 1997 in response to a call for quality university education with a Christian perspective.

Uganda Christian University replaced the historic Bishop Tucker Theological College which trained clergy and educators during its 84-year history from 1913-1997. 


In 2004, UCU became the first private university to be chartered or accredited by the government of Uganda.

Located in Mukono, less than an hour’s drive from the capital city Kampala, Uganda Christian University is one of Uganda's leading teaching and research universities.

Uganda Martyrs University Nkozi

Approximately 82 kilometres (51 miles), UMU's main campus is in Nkozi, Mpigi District
Contact Phones : +256 772 451 440,+256 382 410611
Web Address

Uganda Martyrs University (UMU) is a private university affiliated with the Roman Catholic Church in Uganda. It is licensed by the Uganda National Council for Higher Education.

UMU consists of seven faculties, one institute, four centers, five departments, and two schools. As of January 2015, total student enrollment exceeded 5,000. Of these, about 1,500 students were residential, while nearly 3,000 students were enrolled in UMU's distance learning programs.The number of staff members was over 400.

Uganda Technology and Management University (UTAMU)

P.O Box 73307 Kampala Uganda, Plot 6, Erisa Road, Kiswa, Bugolobi
Contact Phones : +256-750-599-736,+256-778-055-710
Web Address

Ugandan Technology and Management University (UTAMU) is a private university that was established by the National Council for Higher Education in March 2013, in accordance with the laws of Uganda. UTAMU is accredited to run academic programmes at all levels of the Higher education system.

UTAMU seeks and creates opportunities in technology and management sciences through innovative research, partnerships, students and alumni engagement. It is the only university in Uganda that has successfully infused the teaching and learning processes with appropriate information and communications technologies. UTAMU uses ‘blended learning’ techniques: An education program that combines online digital media with traditional classroom methods and independent study to implement learning. All UTAMU academic programmes are fully developed as e-learning programmes. 

University Of Saint Joseph Mbarara

PO. Box 218, Mbarara, Golf Course Road, Mbarara, Uganda
Contact Phones : +256 772 065 669,+256 705 706 680
Web Address

In accordance with human and Christian values, the objectives of the University shall be:- To provide accessible, affordable and practical university education to diverse, eligible candidates. To promote and nurture general university studies with demand-oriented specialisations. To promote the pursuit of relevant basic and applied research, aiming at producing graduates for sustainable and societal development. To promote proper use and management of the environment. To educate persons of integrity concerned about promoting the common good. To promote and use cultural values in university education. To enhance the various services rendered by the Archdiocese of Mbarara. To promote the pastoral mission of the Archdiocese of Mbarara. Motto: Foster excellence and integrity.


P.O.Box 30866, Kampala Uganda, Victoria Tower, Plot 1-13 Jinja Road
Contact Phones : +256 759 996 130,+256 417 727 000
Web Address

Victoria University, is one of the best universities in Uganda, and stands out as a centre of academic excellence. We offers a fresh and intellectually stimulating environment that nurtures critical thinkers.

The university was opened in August 2010 and has has the capacity, the facilities and determination to revitalize higher education in Uganda and in the region. We are committed to playing a leading role in bringing and developing high– quality, student–centered learning opportunities based on standards of excellence that are unique, innovative and difficult to match.

Virtual University of Uganda(VUU)

P.O. Box 70773, Kampala, Uganda, Plot 425 Zzimwe Road, Muyenga, Kampala, Uganda
Contact Phones : +256 312 202136,.

The Virtual University of Uganda is a private, university offering online postgraduate qualifications in the areas of public health, ICTs for Development, Business Administration (generic and with Oil and Gas specialization), and International Development.

The Virtual University of Uganda is the first online university in the East-African region. We are fully licensed by the Uganda National Council for Higher Education and proud to be part of the technological revolution in tertiary education

All Saints University - Lango (ASUL)

Lira, Uganda, Obote Avenue, Lira City, P.O.Box 32
Contact Phones : +256 (0) 752029091 (IT- Admin ASUL),+256 (0) 393225330 (AR-ASUL)
Web Address
ALL Saints University, Lango (ASUL) was first conceived in 1963 by the Diocese of Lango of the Anglican Church of Uganda of but its operation was deferred till 2008. The University became fully operational in May 2009. In March 2010, its programs were accredited by Uganda National Council for Higher Education (NCHE). All Saints University, Lango offers quality programmes, which are most relevant to ones needs. The programmes offered are tailor made to suit today’s job seekers requirement.

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