Micro Finance Institutions in Kenya | Web & Contacts Directory/Listing

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  Contacts and Web Directory/Listing Micro Finance Institutions


Kenya highlands Sacco

Kenya, P.O. BOX 2085, KERICHO
Contact Phones : +254 777773980, +254 773773978,+254 719 471633

Kenya highlands Sacco is a deposit-taking Sacco registered on 8th August 1991 under the cooperative’s societies act. It was first registered as Belgut Tea Growers Sacco then changed to Kericho Tea Growers Sacco and later rebranded to Kenya Highlands Sacco in 2010 after opening common bonds.

Membership is opened to all customers from all walks of like including: Tea farmers, Dairy farmers, Sugar cane farmers, Coffee farmers, Civil servants, Business community, Micro groups, Public and private companies among others. Our membership currently stands at 105000 as at July 2021.

Applied Milling Solutions

00100, Nairobi
Contact Phones : +2541233444,+2542233221
ABOUT Applied Milling Systems is a privately held company founded in 2004. AMS was founded with the objectives of creating opportunity and prosperity for worldwide agribusiness and rural economies. ​ We specialize in the processing of Cereal Grains, and offer experience and true expertise to develop processing systems that produce your desired products more efficiently and profitably. ​ The experienced staff of Applied Milling Systems stands ready to help you improve your cereal processing operations. Whether your questions concern technical milling, project execution, or detailed design, our staff can offer assistance that is based upon actual experience in commercial installations. We are ready to be your experienced partner.

Mill As You Mix

00100, Nairobi
Contact Phones : +254122333,+2546722233
Web Address :millasyoumix.com
When it comes to producing animal feed for your livestock, you need to thoroughly mix your raw ingredients together to produce a uniform

Mobile Financial Solutions Ltd

00100, Nairobi
Contact Phones : 0709184000, 0709184000
Web Address :https://mfs.co.ke/

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